We are pleased to announce that registration for this year’s Conference is now open. We invite members and non-members to join us in Sydney on Saturday, 19 October. Dr Frank Margison (UK) and Associate Professor Loyola McLean (AU) are our keynote speakers.
The timing of this year’s Conference coincides with the 25th anniversary of the death of Bob Hobson who, along with Russell Meares, developed the Conversational Model. His work has had an enormous impact on clinical practice, training, and research. We wanted to celebrate Bob Hobson and the Conversational Model with a focus on the then and the now.
We also wish to remember ANZAP's Founder, Professor Russell Meares who passed away in Sydney in June this year. We’ve set aside some time towards the end of the day and invite all attendees to join us for a special time of reflection and remembrance of Russell.
The Conference Committee has put together an inspiring program in line with our Conference theme - Forms of Feeling: the Heart of Psychotherapy and Everyday Being and we encourage you to join us in Sydney.