
The Therapeutic Conversation (TTC)

The Therapeutic Conversation publication (TTC) is a joint venture between ANZAP and PIT-UK.

TTC has continued to evolve in line with the Statement of Ambition which was published in TTC1, and in keeping with the wish expressed by Russell Meares in his welcome from that first edition:

It is to be hoped that it can be a means towards unifying the efforts of those working in different countries, all striving to understand and transform the same complexities of existence besetting our patients, all working towards the same end.

TTC is available free to ANZAP Members. Find out more about being an ANZAP Member.

Call for Papers

Calling all psychotherapists (not just those trained in the Conversational Model!) with an interest in publishing papers which can help grow the conversation around the work we do with our clients.

The Therapeutic Conversation (TTC) is published by ANZAP in collaboration with PIT-UK, on a bi-annual basis, and is made available to ANZAP and PIT-UK members as a membership benefit.

The Statement of Ambition in the first edition of TTC noted that:

The Therapeutic Conversation specifically aims to give expression to clinical experience informed by the convergences of core themes and ideas emerging out of relational, developmental, neuroscientific, linguistic, philosophical, phenomenological and intersubjective approaches to psychotherapy while being open to a broad range of psychoanalytic and non-analytic orientations.

For those of you considering whether to submit a paper to TTC, please feel free to get in touch with me via

Chris Garvie

TTC Editor


PO Box 3595

Key Contact: Anne Malecki. 
Ph: (02) 8004 9873 from Australia
Ph: (04) 887 0300 Toll free from New Zealand

First Point of Contact

Anne Malecki is responsible for the ANZAP Secretariat. She is the first point of contact for all matters. 

Telephone: AUS (02) 8004 9873
